Aqt.Cassowary reference documentation


Aqt.Cassowary (pronounced like Acute Cassowary) is a Qt plugin that allows you to run a incremental linear constraint solver in QML applications, providing a declarative interface that fits naturally in the QML programming model.

It is a wrapper around Rhea, which is modern C++ implementation based on the original Cassowary linear constraint solver.

Incremental linear constraint what the heck...?

A linear constraint solver allows you to specify the relationship between variables (constraints) without necessarily giving them specific values. The system can then automatically find values for these variables that satisfy all the specified relationships. It is incremental, because the constraints can change and the system reuses previous solutions to provide stable results fast.

Cassowary is most useful for writing layout code for responsive applications with very dynamic content. It is the tool you need when anchors or QtQuick.Layouts are too rigid for you. Check the examples in examples for more details.


Qml types