
iOS SDK for Ableton Link, a technology that synchronizes musical beat, tempo, phase, and start/stop commands across multiple applications running on one or more devices. Applications on devices connected to a local network discover each other automatically and form a musical session in which each participant can perform independently: anyone can start or stop while still staying in time. Anyone can change the tempo, the others will follow. Anyone can join or leave without disrupting the session.

This site contains documentation and reference material for the LinkKit SDK.

We strongly recommend reading all of the content below, but please pay special attention to the user interface guidelines and the test plan in order to make sure that your app is consistent with others in the Link ecosystem. If you haven’t read the conceptual overview on the Link page, please start with that.


Usage of LinkKit is governed by the Ableton Link SDK license.

Integration Guide

The LinkKit SDK is distributed as a zip file attached to a release in the LinkKit repo. You can find the latest release on the releases tab. Apps should be built against an official release for final submission to the App Store. Official releases are those not marked “Pre-release.”
In case of questions please open a GitHub issue or contact

Getting Started

Download the file attached to the latest release. A file has the following contents:

In order to build and link against LinkKit add LinkKit.xcframework to your linker dependencies. LinkKit is implemented in C++, so you may also need to add -lc++ to your link line if you’re not already using C++ in your project. This is needed to pull in the C++ standard library.

In case your app supports localization, add LinkKitResources.bundle to “Copy Bundle Resources” in the “Build Phases” section of the target settings in Xcode.

iOS 14+ Compatibility

Link sends multicast UDP messages to on the local area network to communicate with other peers. With the release of iOS 14 Apple added security measures that require user consent and special entitlements for an app to send and receive multicast network messages.

When your app launches or the user activates Link for the first time, the user will be asked to give the application permission to “find and connect to devices on the local network”. If the user does not allow this, Link will not be able to connect to other peers. You can give the user more detailed information on why network access is necessary by adding a NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription to Info.plist.

When using Xcode 12 or later, and when building for iOS 14 and above, you will have to request the entitlement from Apple to run your app with Link on a device. This is even required running a build directly from Xcode. When requesting the entitlement from Apple, you can reference this documentation and the Ableton Link product page.

Documentation and further information from Apple can be found here and here.

User Interface Guidelines

LinkKit includes a Link preference pane that must be added to an app’s user interface. The appearance and behavior of the preference pane itself is not configurable, but you must make the choice of where and how to expose access to the preference pane within the app. In order to provide a consistent user experience across all Link-enabled apps, we have developed UI integration guidelines (PDF) that provide guidance on this matter. Please follow them carefully.

Also included in this repo are assets to be used if you choose to put a Link button in your app. All assets relating to the Ableton Link identity will be provided by Ableton and all buttons, copy, and labels should follow the UI integration guidelines (PDF).

Host Time

Host time as used in the API always refers to the system host time and is the same coordinate system as values returned by mach_absolute_time and the mHostTime field of the AudioTimeStamp structure.

All host time values used in the Link API refer to host times at output. This is the important value for the library to know, since it must coordinate the timelines of multiple devices such that audio for the same beat time is hitting the output of those devices at the same moment. This is made more complicated by the fact that different devices (and even the same device in different configurations) can have different output latencies.

In the audio callback, the system provides an AudioTimeStamp value for the audio buffer. The mHostTime field of this structure represents the host time at which the audio buffer will be passed to the hardware for output. Adding the output latency (see AVAudioSession.outputLatency) to this value will result in the correct host time at output for the beginning of that buffer. To get the host time at output for the end of the buffer, you would just add the buffer duration. For an example of this calculation, see the LinkHut example project.

Note that if your app adds additional software latency, you will need to add this as well in the calculation of the host time at output. Also note that the AVAudioSession.outputLatency property can change, so you should update your output latency in response to the AVAudioSessionRouteChangedNotification in order to maintain the correct values in your latency calculations.

This section contains extended discussion on the contents of the C header ABLLink.h and the Objective-C header ABLLinkSettingsViewController.h, which together make up the Link API.

Initialization and Destruction

An ABLLink library instance is created with the ABLLinkNew function. Creating a library instance is a pre-requisite to using the rest of the API. It is recommended that the library instance be created on the main thread during app initialization and that it be preserved for the lifetime of the app. There should not be a reason to create and destroy multiple instances of the library during an app’s lifetime. To cleanup the instance on app shutdown, call ABLLinkDelete.

An app must provide an initial tempo when creating an instance of the library. The tempo is required because a library instance is initialized with a new timeline that starts running from beat 0. The initial tempo provided to ABLLinkNew determines the rate of progression of this beat timeline until the app sets a new tempo or a new tempo comes in from the network. It is important that a valid tempo be provided to the library at initialization time, even if it’s just a default value like 120bpm.

Active, Enabled, and Connected

Once an ABLLink instance is created, in order for it to start attempting to connect to other participants on the network, it must be both active and enabled. The active and enabled properties are two independent boolean conditions, the first of which is controlled by the app, and the second by the end user. So Link needs permission from both the app and the end user before it starts communicating on the network.

The enabled state is controlled directly by the user via the ABLLinkSettingsViewController.h. It persists across app runs, so if the user enables Link they don’t have to re-enable it every time they re-launch the app. Since it is a persistent value that is visible and meaningful to the user, the API does not allow it to be modified programmatically by the app. However, the app can observe the enabled state via the ABLLinkIsEnabled function and the ABLLinkSetIsEnabledCallback callback registration function. These should only be needed to update UI elements that reflect the Link-enabled state. If you are depending on the enabled state in audio code, you’re doing something wrong (you should probably be using ABLLinkIsConnected instead. More on that soon…)

The active state is controlled by the app via the ABLLinkSetActive function. This is primarily used to implement background behavior - by calling ABLLinkSetActive(false) when going to the background, an app can make sure that the ABLLink instance is not communicating on the network when it’s not needed or expected.

When an ABLLink instance is both active and enabled, it will attempt to find other participants on the network in order to form a Link session. When at least one other participant has been found and a session has been formed, then the instance is considered connected. This state can be queried with the ABLLinkIsConnected function.

Start Stop Sync is an opt in feature. To allow the user to enable Start Stop Sync with a toggle in the ABLLinkSettingsViewController a Boolean entry YES under the key ABLLinkStartStopSyncSupported must be added to Info.plist. The app can observe the state via the ABLLinkIsStartStopSyncEnabled function and the ABLLinkSetIsStartStopSyncEnabledCallback callback registration function. These should only be needed to update UI elements that reflect the Start Stop Sync enabled state. The interface to the start/stop state behaves the same wether Start Stop Sync is enabled or not. The only difference is that changes are not kept in sync with other peers. This way the app does not have to change its behavior depending on the feature being enabled or disabled.

App Life Cycle

In order to provide the best user experience across the ecosystem of Link-enabled apps, it’s important that apps take a consistent approach towards Link with regards to life cycle management. Furthermore, since the Link library does not have access to all of the necessary information to correctly respond to life cycle events, app developers must follow the life cycle guidelines below in order to meet user expectations. Please consider these carefully.

Please see the LinkHut AppDelegate.m file for a basic example of implementing the app life cycle guidelines, although it does not support Audiobus or IAA.


We have worked closely with the developers of Audiobus to provide some additional features when using Link-enabled apps within Audiobus. In order to take advantage of these additional features, please be sure to build against the latest available version of the Audiobus SDK when adding Link to your app. No code changes are required on your part to enable the Audiobus-Link integration, but please be sure to check the “Link-enabled” box in your Audiobus profile so that your app will be listed correctly in the Audibous app directory.

Other Sync Technologies

We recommend making Link mutually exclusive with other sync technologies that may be supported by your app, such as MIDI Clock or WIST. Having two concurrent clock sources fighting each other will degrade the Link session and compromise the user experience. The ABLLinkSetIsEnabledCallback callback registration function can be used to observe when Link has been enabled by the user in order to disable UI elements and functionality of other sync technologies.

Test Plan

Below are a set of user interactions that are expected to work consistently across all Link-enabled apps. In order to provide the best user experience, it’s important that apps behave consistently with respect to these test cases. Please verify that your app passes all of the test cases before submitting to the App Store. Apps that do not pass this test suite will not be considered conforming Link integrations.

Tempo Changes

TEMPO-1: Tempo changes should be transmitted between connected apps.

TEMPO-4: Tempo range handling.

Beat Time

These cases verify the continuity of beat time across Link operations.

BEATTIME-2: App’s beat time does not change if another participant joins its session.

Note: When joining an existing Link session, an app should adjust to the existing session’s tempo and phase, which will usually result in a beat time jump. Apps that are already in a session should never have any kind of beat time or audio discontinuity when a new participant joins the session.

Start Stop States

STARTSTOPSTATE-1: Listening to start/stop commands from other peers.

STARTSTOPSTATE-2: Sending start/stop commands to other peers.

Audio Engine

These cases verify the correct implementation of latency compensation within an app’s audio engine.

AUDIOENGINE-1: Correct alignment of app audio with shared session

AUDIOENGINE-2: Latency is updated when AVAudioSession route changes

Note: When a cable is connected to the headphone-jack of an iOS device or Inter-Device Audio is turned on during operation, latency may change and must be accounted for. See host time at output.

Background Behavior

These cases test the correct implementation of the app life cycle guidelines.

Note: This is the expected behavior even if the App’s background audio mode is enabled. Whenever the App goes to the background and it’s known that the App will not be playing audio or processing MIDI while in the background (not receiving MIDI, not connected to IAA or Audiobus), Link should be deactivated.

Note: While Start Stop Sync is enabled Link must remain active even while not playing in the background because the App must be prepared to start playing at anytime.

Note: While connected to Audiobus/IAA Link must remain active even while not playing in the background because the App must be prepared to start playing at anytime.

Note: When an App in the background has deactivated Link, it must re-activate it if it becomes part of an Audiobus or IAA session, even if does not come to the foreground. Conversely, an App that is part of an Audiobus or IAA session session and is then disconnected from the session while in the background and not playing should deactivate Link.

After investing the time and effort to add Link to your app, you will probably want to tell the world about it. When you do so, please be sure to follow our Ableton Link promotion guidelines (PDF). The Link badge referred to in the guidelines can be found in the assets folder. You can also find additional info and images in our press kits and use them as you please.