cycle.hpp File Reference

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 C++ amazing templates and reusable implementations awesomeness.
 Efficient and flexible C++ implementation of transducers.


template<typename T >
using cycle_t = transducer_impl< detail::cycle_rf_gen, T >


template<typename InputRangeT >
constexpr auto cycle (InputRangeT &&r) -> cycle_t< estd::decay_t< InputRangeT > >
 Generator transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter, by cycling over it. More...
template<typename InputRangeT , typename... InputRangeTs>
constexpr auto cycle (InputRangeT &&r, InputRangeTs && -> decltype(comp(cycle(std::forward< InputRangeT >(r)), cycle(std::forward< InputRangeTs >(rs))...))
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