atria::xform Namespace Reference

Efficient and flexible C++ implementation of transducers. More...


class  any_state
 Polymorphically holds any value implementing the state_traits. More...
struct  emplace_back_rf_t
 Reducing function that emplaces back at the collection that is uses as state. More...
struct  empty_reductor_fn
 Reductor_Fn object that does not require inputs to be fed at construction time. More...
struct  empty_reductor_fn< ReducingFnT, InitialStateT, meta::pack< InputTs... > >
struct  first_rf_t
 Reducing function that always returns the initial state. More...
struct  is_skip_state
struct  is_skip_state< skip_state< SkippedT, CalledT > >
struct  is_state_wrapper
 Metafunction returning whether StateT is a, or reference to, a state_wrapper instantiation. More...
struct  is_state_wrapper< _, state_wrapper< T, S, D > >
struct  last_rf_t
 Reducing function that produces the tuplification of the last inputs it received. More...
struct  maybe_reduced_tag
 Tag for maybe_reduced state wrapper. More...
struct  no_tag
 Default tag for state_wrapper. More...
struct  output_of
 Metafunction that given a transducer XformT and some inputs InputTs, returns the type of the outputs of the transducer, wrapped in a meta::pack. More...
struct  output_of< XformT, meta::pack< InputTs... > >
struct  output_rf_t
 Reducing function that outputs through the iterator that is carried as state. More...
struct  reductor_fn
 Function object that performs a reduction using a reducing function of type ReducingFnT, an initial state of type of type InitialStateT and inputs of types InputTs.... More...
struct  reductor_fn_base
 Common reductor interface. More...
struct  result_of
 Metafunction that given a transducer XformT and some inputs InputTs, returns the type of the output of the transducer, combined as combined in a single result with tuplify. More...
struct  result_of< XformT, meta::pack< InputTs... > >
struct  sequence_range
 Range adaptor that transduces the ranges in RangeTs with the transducer XformT, producing values of ValueT. More...
struct  skip_result
 Metafunction that returns a type that can hold both values of type skipped_t = StateT and wrapped_t = declval<ReducingFnT>(declval<StateT>(), declval<InputTs>()...) More...
struct  skip_state
 Type-safe union type that can hold values of both SkippedT and CalledT types. More...
struct  state_traits
 Interface for a type specializing the State concept. More...
struct  state_traits< any_state >
struct  state_traits< skip_state< SkippedT, CalledT > >
struct  state_traits< state_wrapper< TagT, StateT, DataT > >
 State traits specialization for state_wrapper. More...
struct  state_wrapper
 A decorator for the accumulator of a reduction. More...
struct  transducer_impl
 Utility to write simple transducers easily. More...


template<typename T >
using maybe_reduced = state_wrapper< maybe_reduced_tag, T, bool >
 State wrapper for transducers that may want to signal that the reduction is finished. More...
template<typename ReducingFnT , typename StateT , typename... InputTs>
using skip_result_t = typename skip_result< ReducingFnT, StateT, InputTs... >::type
template<typename T >
using state_traits_t = state_traits< estd::decay_t< T > >
using cat_t = transducer_impl< detail::cat_rf_gen >
template<typename T >
using chainr_t = transducer_impl< detail::chainr_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using chainl_t = transducer_impl< detail::chainl_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
using count_t = transducer_impl< detail::count_rf_gen, T1, T2 >
template<typename T >
using cycle_t = transducer_impl< detail::cycle_rf_gen, T >
using dedupe_t = transducer_impl< detail::dedupe_rf_gen >
using distinct_t = transducer_impl< detail::distinct_rf_gen >
template<typename T >
using drop_t = transducer_impl< detail::drop_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using drop_while_t = transducer_impl< detail::drop_while_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using each_t = transducer_impl< detail::each_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using eager_t = transducer_impl< detail::eager_rf_gen, T >
using sorted_t = eager_t< detail::sorted_range_t >
using reversed_t = eager_t< detail::reversed_range_t >
template<typename T >
using enumerate_t = transducer_impl< detail::enumerate_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using filter_t = transducer_impl< detail::filter_rf_gen, T >
using interleave_t = transducer_impl< detail::interleave_rf_gen >
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
using interpose_t = transducer_impl< detail::interpose_rf_gen, T1, T2 >
template<typename T >
using iter_t = transducer_impl< detail::iter_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using map_t = transducer_impl< detail::map_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using partition_t = transducer_impl< detail::partition_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using partition_by_t = transducer_impl< detail::partition_by_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using product_t = transducer_impl< detail::product_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T , typename InputStreamRefT >
using read_t = transducer_impl< detail::read_rf_gen< T >, InputStreamRefT >
template<typename InputStreamRefT , typename BufferT >
using readbuf_t = transducer_impl< detail::readbuf_rf_gen, InputStreamRefT, BufferT >
template<typename T >
using repeat_t = transducer_impl< detail::repeat_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using sink_t = transducer_impl< detail::sink_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using take_t = transducer_impl< detail::take_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using take_nth_t = transducer_impl< detail::take_nth_rf_gen, T >
template<typename T >
using take_while_t = transducer_impl< detail::take_while_rf_gen, T >
template<typename InputT = meta::pack<>, typename OutputT = InputT>
using transducer = transducer_impl< meta::unpack< detail::transducer_rf_gen, OutputT >, detail::transducer_function_t< InputT, OutputT > >
 Type erased transducer. More...
using unzip_t = transducer_impl< detail::unzip_rf_gen >
template<typename OutputStreamRefT , typename InSeparatorT , typename ArgSeparatorT >
using write_t = transducer_impl< detail::write_rf_gen, OutputStreamRefT, InSeparatorT, ArgSeparatorT >
template<typename OutputStreamRefT >
using writebuf_t = transducer_impl< detail::writebuf_rf_gen, OutputStreamRefT >


 Concept for a type that can be used as a state of a reducing function. More...
 ABL_CONCEPT_SPEC (Reducing_function)
 Concept for a function that can be used with reduce for a specific state and inputs. More...
 ABL_CONCEPT_SPEC (Transducer)
 Concept for a transducer, this is, a function that takes a reducing function as an argument, and decorates it returning a new reducing function. More...
 ABL_CONCEPT_SPEC (Transparent_transducer)
 Concept for a transducer that can be applied over any arguments. More...
template<typename CollectionT , typename XformT , typename... InputRangeTs>
auto into (CollectionT &&col, XformT &&xform, InputRangeTs &&...ranges) -> CollectionT &&
 Similar to clojure.core/into$4. More...
template<typename XformT , typename... InputRangeTs>
auto into_vector (XformT &&xform, InputRangeTs &&...ranges) -> std::vector< result_of_t< XformT, meta::value_t< InputRangeTs >... > >
 Similar to clojure.core/into-array. More...
bool state_wrapper_data_is_reduced (maybe_reduced_tag, bool is_reduced)
template<typename T >
auto reduced_if (T &&x, bool is_reduced) -> maybe_reduced< estd::decay_t< T > >
 Wraps x in a maybe_reduced, where is_reduced contains whether the reduction should actually finish. More...
template<typename T >
auto reduced (T &&x) -> decltype(reduced_if(std::forward< T >(x), true))
 Wraps x such that the reduction should finish. More...
template<typename T >
auto not_reduced (T &&x) -> decltype(reduced_if(std::forward< T >(x), false))
 Wraps x such that the reduction should continue. More...
template<typename ReducingFnT , typename StateT , typename... InputRangeTs>
auto reduce (ReducingFnT &&step, StateT &&state, InputRangeTs &&...ranges) -> estd::decay_t< StateT >
 Similar to clojure.core/reduce. More...
template<typename ReducingFnT , typename StateT , typename... InputRangeTs>
auto reduce_nested (ReducingFnT &&step, StateT &&state, InputRangeTs &&...ranges) -> decltype(detail::is_non_empty(ranges...) ?call(detail::reduce_nested_non_empty_flipped, std::forward< StateT >(state), std::forward< ReducingFnT >(step), std::forward< InputRangeTs >(ranges)...) :skip(std::forward< StateT >(state)))
 Similar to reduce, but does not unwrap reduced values. More...
template<typename ReducingFnT , typename InitialStateT , typename... InputTs>
auto reductor (ReducingFnT &&step, InitialStateT &&state, InputTs &&...ins) -> reductor_fn< estd::decay_t< ReducingFnT >, estd::decay_t< InitialStateT >, estd::decay_t< InputTs >... >
 Constructs a reductor_fn object with deduced argument types. More...
template<typename... InputTs, typename ReducingFnT , typename InitialStateT >
auto empty_reductor (ReducingFnT &&step, InitialStateT &&state) -> empty_reductor_fn< estd::decay_t< ReducingFnT >, estd::decay_t< InitialStateT >, estd::decay_t< InputTs >... >
 Constructs an empty_reductor_fn object with deduced argument types. More...
template<typename XformT , typename... InputRangeTs>
void run (XformT &&xform, InputRangeTs &&...ranges)
 Runs a transducer composed with no significant reduction. More...
template<typename ValueT = detail::deduce_value_type, typename XformT , typename... RangeTs>
auto sequence (XformT &&xform, const RangeTs &...ranges) -> sequence_range< typename boost::mpl::eval_if< std::is_same< ValueT, detail::deduce_value_type >, result_of< XformT, meta::value_t< RangeTs >... >, meta::identity< ValueT > >::type, estd::decay_t< XformT >, estd::decay_t< RangeTs >... >
 Factory for sequence_range values producing an iterable range out of a transducer, in the spirit of clojure.core/sequence$2. More...
template<typename ReducingFnT , typename StateT , typename... InputTs>
auto skip (ReducingFnT &&, StateT &&state, InputTs &&...) -> skip_result_t< ReducingFnT, StateT, InputTs... >
 Skip calling the next reducing function in a transducer. More...
template<typename StateT >
auto skip (StateT &&state) -> StateT &&
template<typename ReducingFnT , typename StateT , typename... InputTs>
auto call (ReducingFnT &&step, StateT &&state, InputTs &&...ins) -> estd::enable_if_t< is_skip_state< estd::decay_t< StateT > >
 Call the next reducing function in a transducer that could otherwise skip calling the next reducing function. More...
template<typename T >
auto state_complete (T &&s) -> decltype(state_traits_t< T >::complete(std::forward< T >(s)))
 Convenience function for calling state_traits::complete More...
template<typename T >
auto state_is_reduced (T &&s) -> bool
 Convenience function for calling state_traits::is_reduced More...
template<typename T , typename D >
auto state_data (T &&s, D &&d) -> decltype(state_traits_t< T >::data(std::forward< T >(s), std::forward< D >(d)))
 Convenience function for calling state_traits::data More...
template<typename T >
auto state_unwrap (T &&s) -> decltype(state_traits_t< T >::unwrap(std::forward< T >(s)))
 Convenience function for calling state_traits::unwrap More...
template<typename T >
auto state_unwrap_all (T &&s) -> decltype(state_traits_t< T >::unwrap_all(std::forward< T >(s)))
 Convenience function for calling state_traits::unwrap_all More...
template<typename T , typename U >
auto state_rewrap (T &&s, U &&x) -> decltype(state_traits_t< T >::rewrap(std::forward< T >(s), std::forward< U >(x)))
 Convenience function for calling state_traits::unwrap_all More...
template<typename TagT = no_tag, typename StateT , typename DataT = TagT>
auto wrap_state (StateT &&next, DataT &&data=DataT{}) -> state_wrapper< TagT, estd::decay_t< StateT >, estd::decay_t< DataT > >
 Given a tag TagT and a state next and associated data, returns a state_wrapper instance. More...
template<typename TagT , typename T >
auto state_wrapper_complete (TagT, T &&s) -> decltype(state_complete(state_unwrap(std::forward< T >(s))))
 Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::complete for state wrappers with a specific tag. More...
template<typename TagT , typename T >
auto state_wrapper_unwrap (TagT, T &&s) -> decltype(std::get< 0 >(std::forward< T >(s)))
 Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::unwrap for state wrappers with a specific tag. More...
template<typename TagT , typename T >
auto state_wrapper_unwrap_all (TagT, T &&s) -> decltype(state_unwrap_all(state_unwrap(std::forward< T >(s))))
 Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::unwrap_all for state wrappers with a specific tag. More...
template<typename TagT , typename T , typename U >
auto state_wrapper_rewrap (TagT, T &&s, U &&x) -> decltype(wrap_state< TagT >( state_rewrap(state_unwrap(std::forward< T >(s)), x), state_wrapper_data(std::forward< T >(s))))
 Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::rewrap for state wrappers with a specific tag. More...
template<typename TagT , typename T , typename D >
auto state_wrapper_data (TagT tag, T &&s, D &&) -> decltype(state_wrapper_data(tag, std::forward< T >(s)))
 Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::data for state wrappers with a specific tag. More...
template<typename T >
auto state_wrapper_data (T &&s) -> decltype(state_wrapper_data(typename estd::decay_t< T >::tag
template<typename TagT , typename T >
auto state_wrapper_data (TagT, T &&s) -> decltype(std::get< 1 >(std::forward< T >(s)))
template<typename TagT , typename DataT >
bool state_wrapper_data_is_reduced (TagT, DataT &&)
 Utility function that returns whether the DataT associated with a state wrapper with tag TagT is reduced – i.e. More...
template<typename TagT , typename T >
bool state_wrapper_is_reduced (TagT tag, T &&s)
 Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::is_reduced for state wrappers with a specific tag. More...
template<typename XformT , typename ReducingFnT , typename StateT , typename... InputRangeTs>
auto transduce (XformT &&xform, ReducingFnT &&step, StateT &&state, InputRangeTs &&...ranges) -> estd::decay_t< StateT >
 Similar to clojure.core/transduce. More...
template<typename InputRangeT >
constexpr auto chainr (InputRangeT &&r) -> chainr_t< estd::decay_t< InputRangeT > >
 Transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter after all other input has finished. More...
template<typename InputRangeT , typename... InputRangeTs>
constexpr auto chainr (InputRangeT &&r, InputRangeTs && -> decltype(comp(chainr(std::forward< InputRangeT >(r)), chainr(std::forward< InputRangeTs >(rs))...))
template<typename... InputRangeTs>
constexpr auto chain (InputRangeTs && -> decltype(chainr(std::forward< InputRangeTs >(rs)...))
 Alias for chainr More...
template<typename InputRangeT >
constexpr auto chainl (InputRangeT &&r) -> chainl_t< estd::decay_t< InputRangeT > >
 Transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter before processing the first input. More...
template<typename InputRangeT , typename... InputRangeTs>
constexpr auto chainl (InputRangeT &&r, InputRangeTs && -> decltype(comp(chainl(std::forward< InputRangeT >(r)), chainl(std::forward< InputRangeTs >(rs))...))
template<typename InitT = std::size_t, typename StepT = InitT>
constexpr auto count (InitT init=InitT{0}, StepT step=StepT{1}) -> count_t< InitT, StepT >
 Generator transducer produces a sequence: More...
template<typename InputRangeT >
constexpr auto cycle (InputRangeT &&r) -> cycle_t< estd::decay_t< InputRangeT > >
 Generator transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter, by cycling over it. More...
template<typename InputRangeT , typename... InputRangeTs>
constexpr auto cycle (InputRangeT &&r, InputRangeTs && -> decltype(comp(cycle(std::forward< InputRangeT >(r)), cycle(std::forward< InputRangeTs >(rs))...))
template<typename IntegralT >
auto drop (IntegralT &&n) -> drop_t< estd::decay_t< IntegralT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/drop$1. More...
template<typename PredicateT >
auto drop_while (PredicateT &&n) -> drop_while_t< estd::decay_t< PredicateT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/drop_while$1. More...
template<typename ActionT >
auto each (ActionT &&action) -> each_t< estd::decay_t< ActionT > >
 Transducer that evaluates action on each input, forwarding the input down the original inputs down the transducer chain. More...
template<typename MappingT >
auto eager (MappingT &&mapping) -> eager_t< estd::decay_t< MappingT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/eager-all$1. More...
template<typename IntegralT >
constexpr auto enumerate_from (IntegralT &&init) -> enumerate_t< estd::decay_t< IntegralT > >
 Transducer that given a sequence: More...
template<typename PredicateT >
auto filter (PredicateT &&predicate) -> filter_t< estd::decay_t< PredicateT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/filter$1. More...
template<typename... ValueTs>
constexpr auto interpose (ValueTs &&...xs) -> interpose_t< estd::make_index_sequence< sizeof...(ValueTs)>, std::tuple< estd::decay_t< ValueTs >... > >
 Like clojure.core/interpose$1. More...
template<typename InputRangeT >
constexpr auto iter (InputRangeT &&r) -> iter_t< estd::decay_t< InputRangeT > >
 Generator transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter, by iterating over it. More...
template<typename InputRangeT , typename... InputRangeTs>
constexpr auto iter (InputRangeT &&r, InputRangeTs && -> decltype(comp(iter(std::forward< InputRangeT >(r)), iter(std::forward< InputRangeTs >(rs))...))
template<typename MappingT >
auto map (MappingT &&mapping) -> map_t< estd::decay_t< MappingT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/map$1. More...
template<typename MappingT >
constexpr auto map_indexed (MappingT &&mapping) -> decltype(comp( count(), map(std::forward< MappingT >(mapping))))
 Similar to clojure.core/map-indexed$1. More...
template<typename MappingT >
auto mapcat (MappingT &&mapping) -> decltype(comp( cat, map(std::forward< MappingT >(mapping))))
 Similar to clojure.core/mapcat$1. More...
template<typename IntegralT >
auto partition (IntegralT &&n) -> partition_t< estd::decay_t< IntegralT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/partition-all$1. More...
template<typename MappingT >
auto partition_by (MappingT &&mapping) -> partition_by_t< estd::decay_t< MappingT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/partition-by$1. More...
template<typename InputRangeT >
constexpr auto product (InputRangeT &&r) -> product_t< estd::decay_t< InputRangeT > >
 Transducer combines every element that passes by with every element in the sequence that it takes as arguemnt. More...
template<typename InputRangeT1 , typename InputRangeT2 , typename... InputRangeTs>
constexpr auto product (InputRangeT1 &&r1, InputRangeT2 &&r2, InputRangeTs && -> decltype(comp(product(std::forward< InputRangeT1 >(r1)), product(std::forward< InputRangeT2 >(r2)), product(std::forward< InputRangeTs >(rs))...))
template<typename ProbabilityT , typename GeneratorT = detail::default_generator>
auto random_sample (ProbabilityT prob, GeneratorT generator=GeneratorT{}) -> decltype(filter(detail::random_sampler< ProbabilityT, GeneratorT >
 Similar to clojure.core/random-sample$1. More...
template<typename StopT >
constexpr auto range (StopT &&stop) -> decltype(comp( count(), take(std::forward< StopT >(stop))))
 Generator transducer version of Python range More...
template<typename StartT , typename StopT >
constexpr auto range (StartT &&start, StopT &&stop) -> decltype(comp( count(start), take(std::max(decltype(stop-start)
template<typename StartT , typename StopT , typename StepT >
constexpr auto range (StartT &&start, StopT &&stop, StepT &&step) -> decltype(comp( count(start, step), take(std::max(decltype((stop-start)/step)
template<typename T , typename InputStreamT >
auto read (InputStreamT &stream) -> read_t< T, std::reference_wrapper< InputStreamT > >
 Generator transducer that produces a sequence of values of type T read from the given stream using the operator >>. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename... Ts, typename InputStreamT >
auto read (InputStreamT &stream) -> decltype(comp(read< T1 >(stream), read< T2 >(stream), read< Ts >(stream)...))
template<std::size_t N, typename InputStreamT >
auto readbuf (InputStreamT &stream) -> readbuf_t< std::reference_wrapper< InputStreamT >, std::array< char, N > >
 Generator transducer that reads buffers of size N from stream, and passes them into the sequence. More...
template<typename InputStreamT >
auto readbuf (InputStreamT &stream, std::size_t n) -> readbuf_t< std::reference_wrapper< InputStreamT >, std::vector< char > >
 Like readbuf(stream) but with runtime specified size. More...
template<typename PredicateT >
auto remove (PredicateT &&pred) -> decltype(filter(complement(std::forward< PredicateT >(pred))))
 Similar to clojure.core/remove$1. More...
template<typename ValueT >
constexpr auto repeat (ValueT &&r) -> repeat_t< estd::decay_t< ValueT > >
 Generator transducer produces the values passed as parameter infinitely. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename... ValueTs>
constexpr auto repeat (ValueT &&r, ValueTs && -> decltype(comp(repeat(std::forward< ValueT >(r)), repeat(std::forward< ValueTs >(rs))...))
template<typename IntegralT , typename... ValueTs>
constexpr auto repeatn (IntegralT &&n, ValueTs && -> decltype(comp(repeat(std::forward< ValueTs >(rs)...), take(std::forward< IntegralT >(n))))
 Generator transducer produces the values passed as parameter up to n times. More...
template<typename TableT >
auto replace (TableT &&table) -> decltype(map(detail::lookup_or_key< estd::decay_t< TableT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/replace$1. More...
template<typename TableT >
auto replace_all (TableT &&table) -> decltype(map(detail::lookup_default< estd::decay_t< TableT > >
 Transducer that replaces all elements by table[tuplify(inputs)] More...
template<typename TableT >
auto replace_all_safe (TableT &&table) -> decltype(map(detail::lookup_safe< estd::decay_t< TableT > >
 Transducer that replaces all elements by More...
template<typename ActionT >
auto sink (ActionT &&action) -> sink_t< estd::decay_t< ActionT > >
 Transducer that evaluates action on each input. More...
template<typename IntegralT >
auto take (IntegralT &&n) -> take_t< estd::decay_t< IntegralT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/take$1. More...
template<typename IntegralT >
auto take_nth (IntegralT &&n) -> take_nth_t< estd::decay_t< IntegralT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/take_nth$1. More...
template<typename PredicateT >
auto take_while (PredicateT &&p) -> take_while_t< estd::decay_t< PredicateT > >
 Similar to clojure.core/take_while$1. More...
auto traced (std::string message) -> decltype(map(tracer
 Transducer that traces the values values that pass through it and forwards them forward in the chain. More...
template<typename OutputStreamT , typename InSeparatorT = detail::empty_output>
auto write (OutputStreamT &stream, InSeparatorT in_sep=InSeparatorT{}) -> write_t< std::reference_wrapper< OutputStreamT >, InSeparatorT, InSeparatorT >
 Transducer that writes the into a given stream using the operator <<. More...
template<typename OutputStreamT , typename InSeparatorT , typename ArgSeparatorT >
auto write (OutputStreamT &stream, InSeparatorT in_sep, ArgSeparatorT arg_sep) -> write_t< std::reference_wrapper< OutputStreamT >, InSeparatorT, ArgSeparatorT >
template<typename OutputStreamT >
auto writebuf (OutputStreamT &stream) -> writebuf_t< std::reference_wrapper< OutputStreamT > >
 Generator transducer that reads buffers of size N from stream, and passes them into the sequence. More...
template<typename StateT , typename UnwrappedFn , typename WrappedFn >
auto with_state (StateT &&st, UnwrappedFn &&, WrappedFn &&fn) -> meta::lazy_enable_if_t< !std::is_same< estd::decay_t< StateT >, estd::decay_t< decltype(state_complete(st))> >::value, std::result_of< WrappedFn(StateT)> >
 Given a value st that represents the state of a reduction, this function generically dispatches to the right function UnwrappedFn or WrappedFn, depending of whether the value is already wrapped or not. More...


constexpr struct atria::xform::emplace_back_rf_t emplace_back_rf
constexpr struct atria::xform::first_rf_t first_rf
constexpr struct atria::xform::last_rf_t last_rf
constexpr struct atria::xform::output_rf_t output_rf
 skip_result_t< ReducingFnT, StateT, InputTs... >
constexpr auto cat = cat_t {}
 Similar to clojure.core/cat$1. More...
constexpr dedupe_t dedupe {}
 Equivalent to clojure/dedupe$0. More...
constexpr distinct_t distinct {}
 Equivalent to clojure/distinct$0. More...
constexpr sorted_t sorted {}
 Eager transducer that sorts the input sequence. More...
constexpr reversed_t reversed {}
 Eager transducer that reverses the input sequence. More...
const enumerate_t< std::size_t > enumerate
 Equivalent to enumerate_from(std::size_t{}). More...
constexpr auto interleave = interleave_t {}
 Similar to clojure.core/interleave$1. More...
stop start { return ( comp( count(start), take(std::max(decltype(stop - start){}, stop - start))) )
stop start step { return ( comp( count(start, step), take(std::max(decltype((stop - start) / step){}, (stop - start) / step))) )
constexpr auto unzip = unzip_t {}
 Transducer that expands all tuples in the inputs in the argument list of the next transducer. More...
const map_t< tuplify_t > zip
 Transducer that, if more than one argument is passed, forwards all of them as a single tuple. More...

Detailed Description

Efficient and flexible C++ implementation of transducers.

Transducers where first introduced in Clojure by Rich Hickie

Typedef Documentation

State wrapper for transducers that may want to signal that the reduction is finished.

See also

Definition at line 48 of file maybe_reduced.hpp.

using transducer = transducer_impl< meta::unpack<detail::transducer_rf_gen, OutputT>, detail::transducer_function_t<InputT, OutputT> >

Type erased transducer.

This allows to store transducers in places where the full type can not be known at compile time. The InputT template argument is the type of the input over which you may apply the transducer. For example:

transducer<int> filter_odd = filter([] (int x) {
return x % 2;

A second template argument can be passed to indicate the type of data after running through the transducer. By default, it's the same as the input.

transducer<int, std::string> serialize = map([] (int x) {
return std::to_string(x);

Both the first or second template arguments can take a meta::pack<> when it can take or pass more than one input type.

transducer<pack<int, int>, float> serialize = map([] (int a, int b) {
return float(a) / float(b);
Type erased transducers have a performance cost. Not only is it slower to pass them around, they are significantly slower when processing the sequence. For such, use them when really needed, and otherwise use auto and templates to avoid erasing the types of the transducers.
A type erased transducer actually defers applying the held transducer until it first runs through a sequence, as ilustrated by this example:
transducer<int> filter_odd = [](auto step) {
std::cout << "Building step" << std::endl;
return [](auto st, int x) {
return x % 2 ? step(st, x) : st;
// Doesn't print anything
auto step = filter_odd(std::plus<>{});
// Now it prints
auto sum = reduce(step, 0, {1, 2, 3})

Definition at line 258 of file transducer.hpp.

Function Documentation

atria::xform::ABL_CONCEPT_SPEC ( State  )

Concept for a type that can be used as a state of a reducing function.

By default, every type is a model of it. However, one might use this concept to check that a specialization of state_traits is still valid.

Definition at line 42 of file concepts.hpp.

atria::xform::ABL_CONCEPT_SPEC ( Reducing_function  )

Concept for a function that can be used with reduce for a specific state and inputs.

Definition at line 68 of file concepts.hpp.

atria::xform::ABL_CONCEPT_SPEC ( Transducer  )

Concept for a transducer, this is, a function that takes a reducing function as an argument, and decorates it returning a new reducing function.

The second and third argument use the same rules the arguments to transducer.

See also

Definition at line 124 of file concepts.hpp.

atria::xform::ABL_CONCEPT_SPEC ( Transparent_transducer  )

Concept for a transducer that can be applied over any arguments.

Definition at line 150 of file concepts.hpp.

auto call ( ReducingFnT &&  step,
StateT &&  state,
InputTs &&...  ins 
) -> estd::enable_if_t< is_skip_state<estd::decay_t<StateT> >

Call the next reducing function in a transducer that could otherwise skip calling the next reducing function.

Returns the result of calling step(state, ins...) wrapped in a type that can also hold plain state values. If state is wrapped in such a type, it unwraps it before passing it.

See also

Definition at line 276 of file skip.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::chain ( InputRangeTs &&...  rs) -> decltype( chainr(std::forward<InputRangeTs>(rs)...) )

Alias for chainr

See also

Definition at line 105 of file chain.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::chainl ( InputRangeT &&  r) -> chainl_t<estd::decay_t<InputRangeT> >

Transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter before processing the first input.

Definition at line 163 of file chain.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::chainr ( InputRangeT &&  r) -> chainr_t<estd::decay_t<InputRangeT> >

Transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter after all other input has finished.

Definition at line 87 of file chain.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::count ( InitT  init = InitT{0},
StepT  step = StepT{1} 
) -> count_t<InitT, StepT>

Generator transducer produces a sequence:

$$init, init+step, ..., init+step*n$$

It is inspired by Python's itertools.count generator.

Definition at line 78 of file count.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::cycle ( InputRangeT &&  r) -> cycle_t<estd::decay_t<InputRangeT> >

Generator transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter, by cycling over it.

Definition at line 90 of file cycle.hpp.

auto atria::xform::drop ( IntegralT &&  n) -> drop_t<estd::decay_t<IntegralT> >

Similar to clojure.core/drop$1.

Definition at line 81 of file drop.hpp.

auto atria::xform::drop_while ( PredicateT &&  n) -> drop_while_t<estd::decay_t<PredicateT> >

Similar to clojure.core/drop_while$1.

Definition at line 82 of file drop_while.hpp.

auto atria::xform::each ( ActionT &&  action) -> each_t<estd::decay_t<ActionT> >

Transducer that evaluates action on each input, forwarding the input down the original inputs down the transducer chain.

Definition at line 66 of file each.hpp.

auto atria::xform::eager ( MappingT &&  mapping) -> eager_t<estd::decay_t<MappingT> >

Similar to clojure.core/eager-all$1.

Definition at line 108 of file eager.hpp.

auto atria::xform::empty_reductor ( ReducingFnT &&  step,
InitialStateT &&  state 
) -> empty_reductor_fn<estd::decay_t<ReducingFnT>, estd::decay_t<InitialStateT>, estd::decay_t<InputTs>... >

Constructs an empty_reductor_fn object with deduced argument types.

The InputTs over which the reductor_fn functions have to be passed explicitly though.

Definition at line 250 of file reductor.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::enumerate_from ( IntegralT &&  init) -> enumerate_t<estd::decay_t<IntegralT> >

Transducer that given a sequence:

$$x_0, x_1, ..., x_n$$

produces a sequence

$$(init, x_0), (init+1, x_1), ..., (init+n, x_n)$$

It is inspired by Python's enumerate generator.

Definition at line 102 of file enumerate.hpp.

auto atria::xform::filter ( PredicateT &&  predicate) -> filter_t<estd::decay_t<PredicateT> >

Similar to clojure.core/filter$1.

Definition at line 82 of file filter.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::interpose ( ValueTs &&...  xs) -> interpose_t<estd::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(ValueTs)>, std::tuple<estd::decay_t<ValueTs>...> >

Like clojure.core/interpose$1.

Definition at line 96 of file interpose.hpp.

auto atria::xform::into ( CollectionT &&  col,
XformT &&  xform,
InputRangeTs &&...  ranges 
) -> CollectionT&&

Similar to clojure.core/into$4.

Definition at line 48 of file into.hpp.

auto atria::xform::into_vector ( XformT &&  xform,
InputRangeTs &&...  ranges 
) -> std::vector<result_of_t<XformT, meta::value_t<InputRangeTs>... > >

Similar to clojure.core/into-array.

Definition at line 44 of file into_vector.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::iter ( InputRangeT &&  r) -> iter_t<estd::decay_t<InputRangeT> >

Generator transducer produces the sequence passed as parameter, by iterating over it.

Definition at line 90 of file iter.hpp.

auto atria::xform::map ( MappingT &&  mapping) -> map_t<estd::decay_t<MappingT> >

Similar to clojure.core/map$1.

Definition at line 79 of file map.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::map_indexed ( MappingT &&  mapping) -> decltype( comp( count(), map(std::forward<MappingT>(mapping))) )

Similar to clojure.core/map-indexed$1.

Definition at line 40 of file map_indexed.hpp.

auto atria::xform::mapcat ( MappingT &&  mapping) -> decltype( comp( cat, map(std::forward<MappingT>(mapping))) )

Similar to clojure.core/mapcat$1.

Definition at line 40 of file mapcat.hpp.

auto atria::xform::not_reduced ( T &&  x) -> decltype( reduced_if(std::forward<T>(x), false) )

Wraps x such that the reduction should continue.

Definition at line 81 of file maybe_reduced.hpp.

auto atria::xform::partition ( IntegralT &&  n) -> partition_t<estd::decay_t<IntegralT> >

Similar to clojure.core/partition-all$1.

Definition at line 114 of file partition.hpp.

auto atria::xform::partition_by ( MappingT &&  mapping) -> partition_by_t<estd::decay_t<MappingT> >

Similar to clojure.core/partition-by$1.

Definition at line 117 of file partition_by.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::product ( InputRangeT &&  r) -> product_t<estd::decay_t<InputRangeT> >

Transducer combines every element that passes by with every element in the sequence that it takes as arguemnt.

Like itertools.product, from Python.

Definition at line 90 of file product.hpp.

auto atria::xform::random_sample ( ProbabilityT  prob,
GeneratorT  generator = GeneratorT{} 
) -> decltype( filter(detail::random_sampler<ProbabilityT, GeneratorT>

Similar to clojure.core/random-sample$1.

Definition at line 74 of file random_sample.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::range ( StopT &&  stop) -> decltype( comp( count(), take(std::forward<StopT>(stop))) )

Generator transducer version of Python range

Definition at line 42 of file range.hpp.

auto atria::xform::read ( InputStreamT &  stream) -> read_t<T, std::reference_wrapper<InputStreamT> >

Generator transducer that produces a sequence of values of type T read from the given stream using the operator >>.

If more than one type is passed, it reads multiple values producing T0, T1, ..., Tn on each iteration.

Definition at line 88 of file read.hpp.

auto atria::xform::readbuf ( InputStreamT &  stream) -> readbuf_t<std::reference_wrapper<InputStreamT>, std::array<char, N> >

Generator transducer that reads buffers of size N from stream, and passes them into the sequence.

It passes them into the sequence as an range with char* iterators.

Definition at line 89 of file readbuf.hpp.

auto atria::xform::readbuf ( InputStreamT &  stream,
std::size_t  n 
) -> readbuf_t<std::reference_wrapper<InputStreamT>, std::vector<char> >

Like readbuf(stream) but with runtime specified size.

Definition at line 99 of file readbuf.hpp.

auto atria::xform::reduce ( ReducingFnT &&  step,
StateT &&  state,
InputRangeTs &&...  ranges 
) -> estd::decay_t<StateT>

Similar to clojure.core/reduce.

Unlike std::accumulate, this reduces over a range (doesn't take to distinct iterators) and can reduce over several ranges at the same time. It also supports early termination for transducers.

Reduce assumes that the ranges that are passed actually hold the values. When the ranges are pased as r-values, the elements will be moved from the range into the reducing function. Extra care has to be taken when using range adaptors or views – if the adapted container needs to be used after the reduction, make sure to pass the view as an l-value, by giving it a name. Example:
using namespace boost::range::adaptors;
auto x = std::vector<std::string>{ "foo", ... };
reduce(..., x | reversed);
std::cout << x[0] << std::endl; // ooops!

One should instead:

using namespace boost::range::adaptors;
auto x = std::vector<std::string>{ "foo", ... };
auto y = x | reversed;
reduce(..., y);
std::cout << x[0] << std::endl; // ooops!

Definition at line 70 of file reduce.hpp.

auto atria::xform::reduce_nested ( ReducingFnT &&  step,
StateT &&  state,
InputRangeTs &&...  ranges 
) -> decltype( detail::is_non_empty(ranges...) ? call(detail::reduce_nested_non_empty_flipped, std::forward<StateT>(state), std::forward<ReducingFnT>(step), std::forward<InputRangeTs>(ranges)...) : skip(std::forward<StateT>(state)) )

Similar to reduce, but does not unwrap reduced values.

This is useful when calling reduce recursively inside a transducer.

See also

Definition at line 63 of file reduce_nested.hpp.

auto atria::xform::reduced ( T &&  x) -> decltype( reduced_if(std::forward<T>(x), true) )

Wraps x such that the reduction should finish.

Definition at line 73 of file maybe_reduced.hpp.

auto atria::xform::reduced_if ( T &&  x,
bool  is_reduced 
) -> maybe_reduced<estd::decay_t<T> >

Wraps x in a maybe_reduced, where is_reduced contains whether the reduction should actually finish.

Definition at line 60 of file maybe_reduced.hpp.

auto atria::xform::reductor ( ReducingFnT &&  step,
InitialStateT &&  state,
InputTs &&...  ins 
) -> reductor_fn<estd::decay_t<ReducingFnT>, estd::decay_t<InitialStateT>, estd::decay_t<InputTs>... >

Constructs a reductor_fn object with deduced argument types.

Definition at line 175 of file reductor.hpp.

auto atria::xform::remove ( PredicateT &&  pred) -> decltype( filter(complement(std::forward<PredicateT>(pred))) )

Similar to clojure.core/remove$1.

Definition at line 40 of file remove.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::repeat ( ValueT &&  r) -> repeat_t<estd::decay_t<ValueT> >

Generator transducer produces the values passed as parameter infinitely.

Definition at line 64 of file repeat.hpp.

constexpr auto atria::xform::repeatn ( IntegralT &&  n,
ValueTs &&...  rs 
) -> decltype( comp(repeat(std::forward<ValueTs>(rs)...), take(std::forward<IntegralT>(n))) )

Generator transducer produces the values passed as parameter up to n times.

Definition at line 82 of file repeat.hpp.

auto atria::xform::replace ( TableT &&  table) -> decltype( map(detail::lookup_or_key<estd::decay_t<TableT> >

Similar to clojure.core/replace$1.

Definition at line 93 of file replace.hpp.

auto atria::xform::replace_all ( TableT &&  table) -> decltype( map(detail::lookup_default<estd::decay_t<TableT> >

Transducer that replaces all elements by table[tuplify(inputs)]

Definition at line 101 of file replace.hpp.

auto atria::xform::replace_all_safe ( TableT &&  table) -> decltype( map(detail::lookup_safe<estd::decay_t<TableT> >

Transducer that replaces all elements by

Definition at line 109 of file replace.hpp.

void atria::xform::run ( XformT &&  xform,
InputRangeTs &&...  ranges 

Runs a transducer composed with no significant reduction.

It is useful to execute a transducer for which we are only interested on its side effects.

Definition at line 48 of file run.hpp.

auto atria::xform::sequence ( XformT &&  xform,
const RangeTs &...  ranges 
) -> sequence_range< typename boost::mpl::eval_if< std::is_same<ValueT, detail::deduce_value_type>, result_of<XformT, meta::value_t<RangeTs>...>, meta::identity<ValueT> >::type, estd::decay_t<XformT>, estd::decay_t<RangeTs>...>

Factory for sequence_range values producing an iterable range out of a transducer, in the spirit of clojure.core/sequence$2.

See also

Definition at line 268 of file sequence.hpp.

auto atria::xform::sink ( ActionT &&  action) -> sink_t<estd::decay_t<ActionT> >

Transducer that evaluates action on each input.

The input is forwarded into the action and discarded. The next transducer is excited for every input, but with no arguments.

This is very similar to each, but can perform better since the arguments can be moved into the action. If we are not interested in the inputs after the action, this one should be preferred.

Definition at line 72 of file sink.hpp.

auto atria::xform::skip ( ReducingFnT &&  ,
StateT &&  state,
InputTs &&  ... 
) -> skip_result_t<ReducingFnT, StateT, InputTs...>

Skip calling the next reducing function in a transducer.

Returns the state parameter, potentially wrapped in a value convertible to/from whatever call would return for similar parameters.

A transducer might or might not call the next reducing function in the chain. One good example is filter, where if the predicate passes, it calls the next reducing function, otherwise it just returns the current state of the reduction. However, this poses the question: what should be the return type of such a transducer? The next reducing function might wrap the state in a state_wrapper to attach its own state to it. However, we don't know at this point what how to create such a wrapped value. This method, and call, take care of wrapping the state in a type that can hold values of both the current state, and the state that would be returned by the next reducing function. The metafunction skip_result defines such a type.

See also

Definition at line 228 of file skip.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_complete ( T &&  s) -> decltype( state_traits_t<T>::complete(std::forward<T>(s)) )

Convenience function for calling state_traits::complete

Definition at line 110 of file state_traits.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_data ( T &&  s,
D &&  d 
) -> decltype( state_traits_t<T>::data(std::forward<T>(s), std::forward<D>(d)) )

Convenience function for calling state_traits::data

Definition at line 127 of file state_traits.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_is_reduced ( T &&  s) -> bool

Convenience function for calling state_traits::is_reduced

Definition at line 118 of file state_traits.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_rewrap ( T &&  s,
U &&  x 
) -> decltype( state_traits_t<T>::rewrap(std::forward<T>(s), std::forward<U>(x)) )

Convenience function for calling state_traits::unwrap_all

Definition at line 152 of file state_traits.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_unwrap ( T &&  s) -> decltype( state_traits_t<T>::unwrap(std::forward<T>(s)) )

Convenience function for calling state_traits::unwrap

Definition at line 136 of file state_traits.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_unwrap_all ( T &&  s) -> decltype( state_traits_t<T>::unwrap_all(std::forward<T>(s)) )

Convenience function for calling state_traits::unwrap_all

Definition at line 144 of file state_traits.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_wrapper_complete ( TagT  ,
T &&  s 
) -> decltype( state_complete(state_unwrap(std::forward<T>(s))) )

Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::complete for state wrappers with a specific tag.

See also

Definition at line 123 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_wrapper_data ( TagT  tag,
T &&  s,
D &&   
) -> decltype( state_wrapper_data(tag, std::forward<T>(s)) )

Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::data for state wrappers with a specific tag.

See also

Definition at line 173 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

bool atria::xform::state_wrapper_data_is_reduced ( TagT  ,
DataT &&   

Utility function that returns whether the DataT associated with a state wrapper with tag TagT is reduced – i.e.

idempotent. Can be overloaded custom tags.

See also

Definition at line 195 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

bool atria::xform::state_wrapper_is_reduced ( TagT  tag,
T &&  s 

Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::is_reduced for state wrappers with a specific tag.

Most of the time you may want to overload state_wrapper_is_reduced instead.

See also

Definition at line 210 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_wrapper_rewrap ( TagT  ,
T &&  s,
U &&  x 
) -> decltype( wrap_state<TagT>( state_rewrap(state_unwrap(std::forward<T>(s)), x), state_wrapper_data(std::forward<T>(s))) )

Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::rewrap for state wrappers with a specific tag.

See also

Definition at line 159 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_wrapper_unwrap ( TagT  ,
T &&  s 
) -> decltype( std::get<0>(std::forward<T>(s)) )

Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::unwrap for state wrappers with a specific tag.

See also

Definition at line 135 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

auto atria::xform::state_wrapper_unwrap_all ( TagT  ,
T &&  s 
) -> decltype( state_unwrap_all(state_unwrap(std::forward<T>(s))) )

Utility function for easy overloading of state_traits::unwrap_all for state wrappers with a specific tag.

See also

Definition at line 147 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

auto atria::xform::take ( IntegralT &&  n) -> take_t<estd::decay_t<IntegralT> >

Similar to clojure.core/take$1.

Definition at line 87 of file take.hpp.

auto atria::xform::take_nth ( IntegralT &&  n) -> take_nth_t<estd::decay_t<IntegralT> >

Similar to clojure.core/take_nth$1.

Definition at line 126 of file take_nth.hpp.

auto atria::xform::take_while ( PredicateT &&  p) -> take_while_t<estd::decay_t<PredicateT> >

Similar to clojure.core/take_while$1.

Definition at line 72 of file take_while.hpp.

auto atria::xform::traced ( std::string  message) -> decltype( map(tracer

Transducer that traces the values values that pass through it and forwards them forward in the chain.

See also

Definition at line 41 of file traced.hpp.

auto atria::xform::transduce ( XformT &&  xform,
ReducingFnT &&  step,
StateT &&  state,
InputRangeTs &&...  ranges 
) -> estd::decay_t<StateT>

Similar to clojure.core/transduce.

Definition at line 41 of file transduce.hpp.

auto with_state ( StateT &&  st,
UnwrappedFn &&  fn,
WrappedFn &&  fn 
) -> meta::lazy_enable_if_t< !std::is_same< estd::decay_t<StateT>, estd::decay_t<decltype(state_complete(st))> >::value, std::result_of<WrappedFn(StateT)> >

Given a value st that represents the state of a reduction, this function generically dispatches to the right function UnwrappedFn or WrappedFn, depending of whether the value is already wrapped or not.

This is, during the first iteration of the reduction, UnwrappedFn will be called, from then on, WrappedFnT will be called.

The signatures should be of the form:

  • UnwrappedFn : A -> B
  • WrappedFn : B -> B

This function can dispatch both statically and dynamically in a transparent way. It is thus very useful for writing stateful transducers that can be type erased in a transducer<> object.

See also

Definition at line 58 of file with_state.hpp.

auto atria::xform::wrap_state ( StateT &&  next,
DataT &&  data = DataT{} 
) -> state_wrapper<TagT, estd::decay_t<StateT>, estd::decay_t<DataT> >

Given a tag TagT and a state next and associated data, returns a state_wrapper instance.

See also

Definition at line 104 of file state_wrapper.hpp.

auto atria::xform::write ( OutputStreamT &  stream,
InSeparatorT  in_sep = InSeparatorT{} 
) -> write_t<std::reference_wrapper<OutputStreamT>, InSeparatorT, InSeparatorT>

Transducer that writes the into a given stream using the operator <<.

It also forwards the values for further processing.

Definition at line 126 of file write.hpp.

auto atria::xform::writebuf ( OutputStreamT &  stream) -> writebuf_t<std::reference_wrapper<OutputStreamT> >

Generator transducer that reads buffers of size N from stream, and passes them into the sequence.

It passes them into the sequence as an range with char* iterators.

Definition at line 79 of file writebuf.hpp.

Variable Documentation

constexpr auto cat = cat_t {}

Similar to clojure.core/cat$1.

Definition at line 60 of file cat.hpp.

constexpr dedupe_t dedupe {}

Equivalent to clojure/dedupe$0.

Definition at line 88 of file dedupe.hpp.

constexpr distinct_t distinct {}

Equivalent to clojure/distinct$0.

Definition at line 93 of file distinct.hpp.

const enumerate_t<std::size_t> enumerate

Equivalent to enumerate_from(std::size_t{}).

Should be constexpr in C++14
constexpr auto interleave = interleave_t {}

Similar to clojure.core/interleave$1.

Definition at line 77 of file interleave.hpp.

constexpr reversed_t reversed {}

Eager transducer that reverses the input sequence.

See also

Definition at line 156 of file eager.hpp.

skip_result_t< ReducingFnT, StateT, InputTs... >
Initial value:
return std::forward<ReducingFnT>(step)(

Definition at line 295 of file skip.hpp.

constexpr sorted_t sorted {}

Eager transducer that sorts the input sequence.

See also

Definition at line 134 of file eager.hpp.

constexpr auto unzip = unzip_t {}

Transducer that expands all tuples in the inputs in the argument list of the next transducer.

Definition at line 187 of file unzip.hpp.

const map_t<tuplify_t> zip

Transducer that, if more than one argument is passed, forwards all of them as a single tuple.

This should a constexpr in C++14
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